From This Might Be A Wiki
Wiki bugs
Um, so does it look like the quadratic formula exploded all over the venue and city? The venue is the toggled upcoming tour bar and the venue is "azure". Am I the only one seeing this? Did something go wrong on the shows page? --WhatIsThatThing 02:17, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
EDIT: It seems to be fixed now. Oh well. Maybe that last show update fixed it? --WhatIsThatThing 03:21, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
- Yeah, I just fixed it by removing that Myspace bulletin link (which had "2007-07-21|" in it). I should've coded the show page stuff to look for pipe-date-pipe instead of just date-pipe (originally it just looked for the date!), but I'm a little tired to try fixing that now. Wiki syntax gets so cluttered. -CapitalQ ♫ talk ♪ 03:24, 25 July 2007 (UTC)
Missing download songs
They might be edit Maybe I Know and Particle Man? Why? That was great?
- You can't very well record something if you don't have any power, can you? Dan Miller mentions this on the download page for the show. --badqueso 21:31, 3 August 2007 (UTC)