Talk:Contact Us

From This Might Be A Wiki

There doesn't seem to be any contact info on the TMBG's web site. How does one suggest to them that they should play in Canada, specifically Vancouver? Don't they want any contact from the people who enjoy their music? Strange.

They were in Vancouver on their most recent big "buy our new album" type tour. There's a whole song about it. — User:ACupOfCoffee@ 00:56, 21 December 2006 (UTC)

Hy Zaret and Lou Singer

I am pleased and proud to let everyone know that all of the albums and songs in Ballads for the Age of Science are now available legally through iTunes, Amazon, and other sources of digital music. These recordings are meticulous digital restorations of the original 1961 recordings in all their monophonic glory. For more information, please visit out web site:
We also have a public Facebook page at

To the editor:
I hope you will remove the reference to the illegal copies of the songs. I am gratified that someone would create such a site long after the recordings were out of print, but the time has come to move on.

I also hope you will add a reference to our web site in your external references.

Thank you,

Robert Zaret, President Argosy Music Corp.

Hello Mr. Zaret!
I'm Apollo, a moderator here on TMBW. I've removed references to the illegal downloads and replaced them with links to your site on the following pages:
Thank you for letting us know about this restoration project! If you have any more concerns or notice the links on any other articles, feel free to post here or email me at (why does that sound familiar...), or you can email TMBW's founder and owner, Brad, at
Apollo (colloquia!) 19:10, 20 September 2013 (EDT)