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2 wikians attended: Constantinopolitan Joe Rollerfan
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Setlist: (incomplete and out of order)
They Might Be Giants
— with Jonathan Gregg & The Lonesome Debonaires opening —
Page Hall in Albany, NY
April 15, 1992
Fan Recaps and Comments:
- They opened with She's Actual Size, with John Flansburgh playing a single snare drum with drum brushes. At the end of the song, he drummed wildly, sending brush bristles everywhere.
- At one point early in the show, Flansburgh noted that he still had the price tag on his new guitar, and that it only cost $15.00.
- During the "la la" part of Purple Toupee, Flansburgh lowered his guitar down into the audience, letting us scratch at the strings, while John Linnell sang and worked the accordion.