
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Setlist: (incomplete and possibly out of order)

Fan Recaps and Comments:

(Loosely translated from Japanese)
A review of the show by Hidetsugu Ito
Crossbeat, Feb. 1991:

Common techniques such as using the intense noise emitted by an analog delay or shouting into a guitar pickup to create a voice modulation effect are appearning one after another. The technique of having a large group of people play the guitar at once is a cutting-edge development of the concept of "guitar = noise instrument" proposed by Arto Lindsay.

This experimental secret ingredient is the source of the contemporary sensibility that distinguishes them from mere roots-oriented groups (which is also a good thing...) You could call it explosive humor underpinned by seriousness. From convulsive beats (such as "Don't Let's Start") to slutty beats (such as "Hotel Detective"), everyone was hooked to the most uplifting and precise rhythms. They were dancing a lot. With some dramatic performances in between, it is truly a slapstick comedy created by the performers and audience as a whole.

Still, I was surprised by the girls' loud cheers of "Jaune!" Since both have the name John, it's convenient to be able to call them at the same time. It's umm, avant-garde.