My Father's Son

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name My Father's Son
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased
year 1981
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Linnell: We lived up and down stairs from each other, and we started working together. We made little tapes, and we talked about making a flexi-disc. That was our big dream.

Flansburgh: One day, one day we'll make a flexi-disc...
Linnell: And we had this big plan. We were going to release "Cow Town" and "My Father's Son." And that was like 1981.
Interviewer: Is the sound you had then anything like the sound you have now?
Flansburgh: It was the tiniest sounding music. I have tapes from back then and it's like amazingly small. It just sounds like it's about an inch tall.
Linnell: We really weren't into the idea of expanding beyond where the music was. The songs were even shorter than they are now. There were no drums at all.

  • This song was confirmed by John Flansburgh via Tumblr in 2020, who, when asked if he recalled it, replied, "I remember it well. Not sure if a version exists. There were a couple but it was kind of a mild track."

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