Mario Speaks

From This Might Be A Wiki

song name Mario Speaks
artist They Might Be Giants
releases Unreleased, The Frank O' Toole Show, Dial-A-Song
year 1987
run time 1:46
sung by John Flansburgh as Mario, John Linnell as They Might Be Giants


  • The intro music is the bridge of Johnny Mathis' recording of "You Are Beautiful", a song from the Rogers and Hammerstein Broadway musical Flower Drum Song.
  • Judging by the content of the recording, this may have been used as an introduction to some of the band's mid-1980s live shows.

Song Themes

Altered Voice, Clothes, Hair, I've Got A, Love, Music, People (Imaginary), Self-Reference, Spoken Word, Stories, Transportation, Water


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Mario Speaks is currently ranked #741 out of 1018. (19 wikians have given it an average rating of 7.68)