Mailing List Archive/2019-05-03
From This Might Be A Wiki
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Our new album "My Murdered Remains” is available exclusively from us, the band They Might Be Giants, right here as an instant download, CD, and the eagerly anticipated vinyl shipping soon!
Here are 19 reasons you should get it.
Reasons 1 thru 16 are the songs themselves, presented below in video form to tantalize you.
Reason 17 is the BONUS ALBUM that is included in the instant download and CD.
Reason 18 is it's not to be found on streaming sites*.
Reason 19 is you deserve the joy of a new TMBG album in your life!
1. Last Wave (alternate version) Here are 19 reasons you should get it.
Reasons 1 thru 16 are the songs themselves, presented below in video form to tantalize you.
Reason 17 is the BONUS ALBUM that is included in the instant download and CD.
Reason 18 is it's not to be found on streaming sites*.
Reason 19 is you deserve the joy of a new TMBG album in your life!

*We love those streaming sites, but our love is so strong we have to take a momentary break.

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who will answer in the affirmative,
but they really don’t care.
They all kid on the square.
Only Mail Chimp is superlative.
who will answer in the affirmative,
but they really don’t care.
They all kid on the square.
Only Mail Chimp is superlative.

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