Mailing List Archive/2010-12-13
From This Might Be A Wiki
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FRIENDS OF TMBG! Just three days left to get most affordable shipping on TMBGs huge 35% off merch sale!

Hello music lovers!
They Might Be Giants here with improved recommendations for you--with lots of new stuff and rare stuff from our brand new, super-successful merch store! Above you see four very different kinds of music items from We have DOWNLOADS of live shows, CDs of They Might Be Giants' FULL CATALOG including rarities discs as well as all the best known stuff (even the album you haven't seen since you sold your car), DVDs of Gigantic, videos and kids stuff and more. There's even rare vinyl for all you dust-lovin' treble kickers!
"But how much do I really save shopping now?" a small voice in you mind might be asking? Well, if you can put together a small bundle of stuff of your own design you'll save 35%. There are actually FOUR SIZES of bundles at, so even the most ambitious holiday gift-giver will be happy. BUT THERE ARE ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT! To guarantee Christmas delivery via highly affordable USPS orders must be in by Dec. 16. Fancy fast shipping orders can be made until Dec. 21 for those of you on the fence, but here we say DON'T POSTPONE JOY!

"But what if I only want t-shirts?" Well, for all the t-shirt lovers, there are all of these new and old looks available and even more among many designs.

You might know about our brand new beautiful Road Crew Track Jacket (just like the one that TMBG's sprinting road crew wears) There are giant ants and phones on the back. And if you really only like books we'd like to recommend BED, BED, BED. The book even includes a FOUR SONG CD--that's four more songs than most books. (NOTE: Not actual size!)

And we have a nice selection of dignified winter hats to keep you warm in high style, and we even have brand new shoelaces.
Just a reminder! To guarantee Christmas delivery of TMBG merch at 35% off via highly affordable USPS, orders right here should be in by Dec. 16--that's just three days away. Fancy fast shipping orders can be made until Dec. 21. Thank you!
They Might Be Giants official Facebook page. They Might Be Giants official Twitter account.