Category talk:Opening Acts
From This Might Be A Wiki
Edit on 07/15/2024
Just wanted to give reason for why I removed some of the bands off the "Bands without links" page
- Death Groove Love Party was just Carmaig De Forest's backup band
- Fat Amy and The Weekenders are seemingly two different acts, not sure why they were lumped together
- I can't find any info on Jack Off Jill ever opening for TMBG, on the wiki or otherwise
- Kelly Hogan & Bill Taft are actually just Kick Me (and were both a part of The Jody Grind, which is why they are linked). Every show that they opened for, they are billed as Kick Me on this wiki.
- Cannot find anything on Luna opening on this wiki or elsewhere; I believe they meant to put The Feelies as they share a drummer