Mailing List Archive/2022-09-29

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Yes –– while most of our shows have sold out, new shows have been added and have tickets on sale!

We are performing a show in Leesburg, VA on Saturday Oct. 8 
Hosted by the Arc of Loudon, a fine advocacy group for people with disabilities and their families. 

Our New Year's Eve shows are also now on sale and going fast…
12/30/22 Providence RI 
12/31/22 New Haven CT 
And all these shows have been added in 2023. EXTRA FLOOD FAVS AND EXTRA FUN!
4/12/23 San Diego CA

4/15/23 San Francisco CA

While we still have no idea what exactly we're doing, and it will be weeks before we get it together over on that other platform, if we get followers at @TMBGofficial now, we might get the affirmation of a robot, and that IS OUR DREAM. Please follow and wake up the robot!

#gettingittogetherchallenge #hashtagchallenge #robotaffirmationchallenge
Of course there are other They-related social media accounts, and we encourage you to follow ALL OF THEM.

The TMBG Official Instagram page includes They-related pics old and new, including stuff right off the tour

TMBGareOK on Tumblr is fueled by images supplied by fans with JF frequently answering questions

They’s Twitter and Facebook accounts have immediate touring updates as well as the latest hot goss
(…and the They Might Be Giants Facebook page has the special attraction of QAnon trolls (“former big fans” who don’t actually follow the page) complaining about our masking requests.)  

and the grandaddy of them all is the ephemera splash page at 

John F.'s instagram includes songs from the laundromat, cat photos, and dusty old guitar ephemera 

John L’s photography can be seen on his Instagram account at

And the motherload of content is our YouTube channel ParticleMen,
which can be followed here 

The latest Vibe Report is here

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