Mailing List Archive/2022-02-16

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How does this tip jar work?

While we are running this FLASH SALE until tonight, we are also raising money through special shirts for sale to benefit our crew and live band (because of that thing). So how does the tip jar work? On your way out with a bunch of new $20 vinyl in your shopping cart, or a dozen $20 shirts, you have the ability to toss some duckets in the bucket for our usually hard working, currently hardly working pals in this most complicated of times. We need your help to help them MOAR.

Just eight more hours for this sale...

Right now the book of BOOK is just $30!

Comes with a download of The Pamphlet EP included!

The first edition of BOOK is now available at a flash discount of $30 not to be repeated. (It will be back at $50 in just about a day.) Don’t miss out on this special moment.

Click here for the book of BOOK

8 more hours! All t-shirts for just $20!

Many fresh designs and old favorites including the Bub Comic and the already beloved Metal Logo shirt.
Click here for sale t-shirts!

8 more hours! All vinyl is just $20!

(Yes. That’s nuts.)

Get the brand new vinyl of BOOK, Mink Car, Flood on picture disc, I Like Fun with black wisps (BLACK WISPS!)
Click here for all this cool vinyl on special sale!


A special benefit for crew and band in these complicated times:

Flood Tour shirt just $18!

New: Science is Real just $20!

The hoodies are gone, but the Flood Tour shirt in purple (see the top of this email!) and now the golden Science is Real is BACK in service of raising money for our beloved crew and live band. ALL the profit of these sales goes to them (not John and John). Show you care the way we do. And when you are checking out, toss some money in the tip jar for those scoundrels too!

Click here to see the garments

How about some good old FREE?

For the next 8 hours we have TWO free downloads available exclusively via our site:
(The legendary and magical) My Murdered Remains, and Flood Live in Australia. Neither are available on streaming sites...

Click here for the free downloads

But wait… you need a free music app player for your phone?

Click here for TMBG's free music app for Apple and Android devices.





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