Mailing List Archive/2019-11-20

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Flood show madnessPittsburgh, Cleveland, Boston, New York City, St. Paul, and (both!) DC shows essentially sold out instantly over the weekend, so our conscientious management have discussed contingencies with promoters and club owners and we can now confirm new shows to meet the demand. While these new shows will go on sale to the general public on Friday, they are open to our email list tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am ET with the code ROADMOVIE. 

Here are the links:
4/8 Washington, DC
5/1 Boston
5/8 Pittsburgh
5/13 Cleveland

All the other shows that are still on sale are at the bottom of this email.General madnessMany other things are ramping up in They Might Be Giants' world. We have started working on album 23 with Pat Dillett and that is coming along briskly. As we go we are thinking of y’all and hope to give you some sneak peaks. 
1/10 Pawling SOLD OUT
1.11 New York City SOLD OUT
2/6 New Haven (100 final balcony tickets released)
2/7 Providence SOLD OUT
3/5 Milwaukee SOLD OUT
3/6 Chicago SOLD OUT
3/7 Chicago SOLD OUT
3/8 Detroit SOLD OUT
3/13 Philadelphia SOLD OUT
3.14 New York SOLD OUT
3/9 Detroit
4/8 Washington, DC
4/9 Washington, DC SOLD OUT
4/10 Washington, DC SOLD OUT
4/11  New York City SOLD OUT
4/30 Boston SOLD OUT
5/1 Boston
5/2 Burlington
5/3 Northampton
5/5 Ithaca
5/6 Buffalo
5/7 Pittsburgh SOLD OUT
5/8 Pittsburgh
5/9  New York City SOLD OUT
5/12 Cleveland SOLD OUT
5/13 Cleveland
5/14 Chicago SOLD OUT
5/15 Minneapolis
5/16 St. Paul SOLD OUT
5/17 St. Louis SOLD OUT

The shows on 4/8, 5/1, 5/8, and 5/13 will go on sale to the general public on Friday, but they are open to our loyal email list subscribers tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am ET with the code ROADMOVIE.
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