Mailing List Archive/2019-10-31

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New Haven Flood show – LOW TICKET ALERT’s all true! The vinyl reissue of our first album, fully remastered at Sterling Sound with original artwork restored including lyric insert, ships November 22. Get it and receive the remastered MP3s or FLAC files instantly. Or just get the download and keep your record shelves clean! Here is the link: also have multiple Idlewild Recordings releases available exclusively for YOU; plus I Like Fun, the smash hit album of 2018 featuring Mrs. Bluebeard.
My Murdered Remains, The John Henry Demos, and The Escape Team are all on vinyl with instant download or just as fancy instant downloads on their own. They're not up on streaming sites because we are eccentric! is also true is that we have new t-shirts. Pre-orders of the amazing and fancy “all over” first album design taken here: This shirt will be delivered on or about Nov. 22.

And the final thing that is totally true is that nine of our ten Flood shows sold out instantly and since then we’ve been organizing some additional dates. These will go on sale the week of Nov. 11. We plan to have a pre-sale code for y’all so you don’t have to battle it out the day of the on-sale. Watch this space for more exciting live show news.One final note – we have just reposted a bunch of our videos in super high-rez. Check them out below and enjoy the crisp bit-filled look of these most original efforts.Birdhouse In Your SoulThe Statue Got Me HighIstanbul (Not Constantinople)Snail ShellDoctor WormThe GuitarThey'll Need A Crane
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