Mailing List Archive/2018-05-23

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the bullies are boring 
and hoarding resources
repeating old phrases 
like courses for horses
and there’s no there there
there is a there there

the bullies are planning 
and standing by blueprints
just talking in slogans 
like “hey, if the shoe fits"
the shoe does not fit 
I woefully submit

anything is possible
these bullies are impossible
anything is possible
these bullies are impossible

the bullies are soaring 
they fly in formation
their old ways were trying 
now here’s motivation
they show up at your house
they’re right outside this house

the bullies assemble 
they’re taking their places
they won’t stop their mumbling 
and drawing their faces
on top of your face
they’re drawing on your face
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Hey everyone! We are doing a whole bunch of shows in the not too distant future. We respectfully ask you to SPREAD THE WORD high and low. Okay? Thanks!
6.15 Lancaster
6.16 Croton-on-Hudson
6.30 Barcelona

9.20 Leeds, UK SOLD OUT
9.21 Leeds, UK SOLD OUT
9.22 Cambridge, UK
9.23 Bristol, UK
9.25 Munich, DE
9.26 Antwerp, BE
9.27 Amsterdam, NL
9.28 Berlin, DE
9.29 Hamburg, DE
10.1 Koln, DE
10.3 London, UK
10.4 Manchester, UK
10.5 Edinburgh, UK
10.6 Dublin, IE

10.16 Vancouver, BC
10.18 Calgary, AB
10.19 Edmonton, AB
10.20 Saskatoon, SK
10.21 Winnipeg, MB GOING FAST
10.23 Madison, WI
10.24 Ann Arbor, MI
10.25 Ithaca, NY
10.26 Baltimore, MD
10.27 New York, NY
10.28 Providence, RI
10.30 Montreal, QC
11.1 Ottawa, ON
11.2 Toronto, ON
11.3 Buffalo, NY

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