Talk:Operators Are Standing By

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Revision as of 10:52, 11 July 2015 by Mrtuck (talk | contribs)

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This is supposedly a minor song buried on the album released with the least fanfare and yet I think this tune makes my list of elite Giants songs. It's certainly Flans' best song on the drudgery of work. The lyrics are good enough to stand up on their own and the music is lovely as well. It's also beautifully sung.

This song remains a constant favourite in my playlists and based on how often I've listened to it, I find myself shocked to find that it's in my top 3 Giants songs! (the other 2 - I was shocked myself - are Snowball in Hell and Cowtown! I thought I was pro-Linnell) I might think Birdhouse, Ana Ng, Don't Let Start, You're on Fire ect are the best songs, but I don't listen to them nearly half as much as this little gem! (Mr Tuck)