TMBG Shows In Providence, RI

From This Might Be A Wiki
1988-03-02The Living RoomProvidence, RIAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1988-05-21The Living RoomProvidence, RIAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1988-05-23Brown UniversityProvidence, RIAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1988-09-16The Living RoomProvidence, RIAttendance (0) 0 wikians attended:
No wikians attended this show.
1990-02-01The Living RoomProvidence, RIAttendance (1) 1 wikians attended: Mandalyn
1993-10-02Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Harrycalder Sandyjoys
1994-03-11Brown UniversityProvidence, RIAttendance (2) 2 wikians attended: Garybot Joe Rollerfan
1995-02-10Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Garybot RecipeForDisaster Sandyjoys
1996-01-19Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Garybot Harrycalder RecipeForDisaster
1996-09-28Brown UniversityProvidence, RIAttendance (5) 5 wikians attended: Alexx Garybot RecipeForDisaster Surveysez Tmb G
1996-12-28Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Garybot Oliveirach RecipeForDisaster RonAmoriM Sandyjoys Tmb G TMBG FOREVER
1997-10-25Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (7) 7 wikians attended: Nekton Oliveirach RecipeForDisaster Rockmarooned Sandyjoys Surveysez Tmb G
1999-03-13Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Garybot Nekton Oliveirach Poopship destroyer Rockmarooned Shaneoffools Tape Yankamerica
2000-02-05Lupo's Heartbreak Hotel (John Linnell show)Providence, RIAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Armicron Endian675 Ghhhk Oliveirach Poopship destroyer TDK Tmb G TMBG FOREVER TVsKyle
2000-02-05Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (9) 9 wikians attended: Armicron Endian675 Ghhhk Oliveirach Poopship destroyer TDK Tmb G TMBG FOREVER TVsKyle
2001-04-19Brown UniversityProvidence, RIAttendance (2) 2 wikians attended: RecipeForDisaster Richegreen
2001-10-27Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (11) 11 wikians attended: Garybot Mongoose Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Richegreen Rockmarooned Selfcallednowhere Slightlyoffaxis The Silver Chauffeur Twosheds Zaph
2002-06-20BordersProvidence, RIAttendance (8) 8 wikians attended: Akatimo Andrewzors Garybot Mongoose Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Richegreen Twosheds
2003-04-06Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (4) 4 wikians attended: Harringtonj85 Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Selfcallednowhere
2003-11-11BordersProvidence, RIAttendance (3) 3 wikians attended: Harrycalder RecipeForDisaster Topherbook
2005-03-13BordersProvidence, RIAttendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Akatimo Andrewzors Craighecht Dga Garybot KBear27 Mandalyn Milli Mrme27 Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Topherbook Younghickory
2009-01-30Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Akatimo Andrewzors BlueCanary Cauliflower Chi Meson Donata Traverso Garybot Houseofmayors Jbshryne KBear27 Mongoose Mrme27 Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster RLJohYouDid Siriusthinking Skull737 Tawm WitheredHope
2010-09-24Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (16) 16 wikians attended: Akatimo Andrewzors Armicron BlueCanary Frodolives Garybot Ggerrietts Jsh357 KathyK KBear27 Lekker Mongoose Mrme27 NeatStringer RecipeForDisaster TDK
2012-03-09Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (23) 23 wikians attended: Akatimo Andolfooo BlueCanary Cauliflower Chi Meson Epeterso2 Ferreteers Frodolives Hatta I'veGotAFang James.K.Folk Johnreale Kethera Lekker Mr sax Ofpurelove Poopship destroyer RecipeForDisaster Rsreale SamuelMan36 TDK The nicest of the damned Twosheds
2013-10-10Lupo's Heartbreak HotelProvidence, RIAttendance (15) 15 wikians attended: BlueCanary Doctor particle man Ferreteers Flansfan Ggerrietts Johnreale KathyK Martycordova23 Mongoose NeatStringer Poutinstereo RecipeForDisaster Rygaud TDK Twosheds
2018-10-28Columbus TheatreProvidence, RIAttendance (10) 10 wikians attended: Eee Ggerrietts I'veGotAFang NeatStringer RecipeForDisaster Riptor3000 Rygaud Sandyjoys Selfcallednowhere Timothymh
2020-02-07Columbus Theatre
(30th Anniversary Flood Show)
Providence, RIAttendance (13) 13 wikians attended: Edeadguy Eee Funatic Ggerrietts NeatStringer RecipeForDisaster Redheadedsnippet Rygaud Sandyjoys Selfcallednowhere SRMX12 Vvedge
2022-12-30The Strand TheatreProvidence, RIAttendance (19) 19 wikians attended: Automatedplayer Distantantenna FantasticMrSocks Ferreteers Ggerrietts Harrycalder Hopelessbleakdespair Kayakcup Lange17 Mr. 77 NeatStringer Oliveirach RecipeForDisaster Redheadedsnippet Riptor3000 Rygaud Sandyjoys Supervisedihitmyhead TomInBoston

28 results.

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