
From This Might Be A Wiki

Coming Soon[edit]

To celebrated 30 years of music-making by They Might Be Giants. I've decided to create a list of their 30 absolutely greatest songs of all-time. This will appear on my talk page very soon. I could be working on the list as we speak, so stay tuned on my page so you don't miss its release.

We now take you to Huntington...[edit]

My real name is Franklin Kennedy (those are actually my two middle names, just playing it safe). I've already posted a list of TMBG's greatest songs on under the username queen11. This list, however, is totally different from what I'm going to release on my talk page in a week or so.

If there's anyone here familiar with, I've created a NationState that is completely TMBG themed. It's call - what else? - "The Armed Republic of This Might Be A Nation." The nation's capital is Cowtown, and the national animal is the Doctor Worm. When I get a higher population, I'll make the nation's leader Ana Ng, and the national religion will be Mormonism (since that is my faith), or I'll make it paleontology, that'd be cool. It is part of the Isles of Collected Shenanigans, which you should join if you have a NationState; if you don't, then get one, NOW!

I, just like everyone else now these days, am an aspiring musician. Under the alias Yesteryear (it sounds cool), I'm going to probably post some recordings on a Myspace or something pretty soon. If you're familiar with the Northeast Indiana region, you know most artists, especially the young - somehow struggling;) - ones, are either thrash metal bands or people who think they can make dubstep. I, on the other hand, try to make a wide spread of genres that actually sound like something pleasing. I'm not trying bragging, because I know darn will I totally suck; but hey - there's so little one person can do with a Kindle as their recording equipment:)

<a href="">Which They Might Be Giants album are you?</a>

TMBW Userboxes
SV This user has rated the following songs.

Globe.png This user lives in
Huntington, IN.

This user is 152 years old.

WEB This user has a website.

Tmbgnumber1.jpg They Might Be Giants is this user's favorite band.

FAN This user became a TMBG fan in 2006.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is Birdhouse In Your Soul.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is She's An Angel.

FAV This user's favorite TMBG song is They'll Need A Crane.

VID This user's favorite TMBG video is Don't Let's Start.

VID This user's favorite TMBG video is They'll Need A Crane.

VID This user's favorite TMBG video is Purple Toupee.

LYR This user's favorite TMBG lyric is: He'll give you five good reasons to follow him.

Linnell 45.gif This user's favorite John is John Linnell.

Beller 45.jpg This user's favorite band member is Marty Beller.

Lincoln.png This user's favorite album is Lincoln.
Nanobots EP.jpg This user's favorite EP is Nanobots EP.

Bass 45.gif This user plays bass.

Drums 45.gif This user plays drums.

Guitar 45.gif This user plays guitar.

Babel keyboard.jpg This user plays keyboard.

Trumpet 45.jpg This user plays trumpet.

Trombone 45.JPG This user plays trombone.

Tuba 45.JPG This user plays tuba.