Talk:The Biggest One

From This Might Be A Wiki

I'm sorry, but this is one of those tracks that I really just can't stand. :/ ~Anna Ng: The Only TMBG Fan In Her Class

on last night's episode of the late show with david letterman (8/15/07), the opening of this song was used to introduce a bit called "inaccuracies in the paris hilton interview". nearly jumped through the roof when i heard it... --Ehsteve14 20:04, 16 August 2007 (UTC)

There have been quite a few TMBG songs used on Letterman. Someone there must be a fan. --Valerie 21:44, 16 August 2007 (UTC)
Here's a link --Wetreplies 03:38, 17 August 2007 (UTC)


That AKAI sampler was an S-1000, and it was mine.