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< Shows(Redirected from Austin, TX July 16, 2004)

Fan Recaps and Comments:

Dan Miller wrote:

This place is one of my personal favorite gigs in all the US of A. If you've never seen a show at Stubbs, get in your car, drive the ridiculous distance, arrive, eat BBQ and see whoever is playing. The band was really juiced for this show and it shows. The tune "Stubbs," went over great and re-appeared with a way too much frequency (thanks to me - DM) over the gig. A spirited version of "letterbox" makes it Spine Tour Debut.

an anonymous user says:

I wish I had gotten the lyrics to Stubbs. I don't have great notes, but they went something like:
Stubb's. Stubb's.
Rock and Roll was in my mind
Cutting off my skull
What do we do with the bones?
Stubbs. Stubbs.
Bring 'em to Stubb's.


Spine->Memo - "We're going to keep playing these songs in order until... we stop doing that."
The Guitar - Dance contest song. Prize was a foam #1 finger with "They Might Be Giants" on it. A girl towards the front right of the crowd won it.
It's Kickin' In - Wow, this song was great live. [Then the Johns talked about onstage bug problems. Flans: "Dear Diary: Today I ate a bug onstage. Nothing more to report. Mood: crummy. Upside-down sideways smiley winking face." -anon]
In The Middle - With a big discussion on Vic Mizzy, the author of The Addams Family theme song among others. In The Middle, In The Middle, In The Middle follows the Vic Mizzy school of repetition.
Violin - With the wave. Stubb's is an outdoor venue, and the crowd went back a good distance. The Giants seemed to be impressed. Linnell after the practice wave said it was going to be a good one, and noted that the tide pulled the front row back, revealing some beach littered with fish bones from Phish. "Way to set the bar."
Cyclops Rock - Another great live song
Ana Ng - Sweet
New York City - The crowd got into this one.
Why Does The Sun Shine
It is so hot that everything on it is a stone cold gas. Some of the things listed: Copper wire. Aluminum wire. Crystals. Rainbows. Ears of corn. [Actually, that was "unicorns." Also: Patchouli oil. Essence of patchouli. -anon]
The heat and light of the sun come from the nuclear reactions of the Echo, Escalade, Neon, and Element.
Sleepwalkers - [I've always thought the live version's guitar lines sounded very African somehow. All in all, a very nice way to end the show, I say. -anon]